Crazy Catholic Convert
Crazy Catholic Convert explores the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Catholic faith. It lets the truth speak for itself through RCIA talks and interviews with Catholic converts and reverts. Crazy Catholic Convert evangelizes through the raw, honest, personal stories of ordinary Catholics living out their faith.
Crazy Catholic Convert
Ep:27 - Teresa's Story Part 1: From Secular Feminist to Fertile Powerhouse
In this episode Teresa Grodi tells her reversion story of going from a secular feminist to a devout Catholic. Following her reversion, Teresa explains the challenges she faced as she learned to live out her faith as a wife and mother. She also shares some of her favorite Catholic resources.
The Journey Home with JonMarc Grodi
Medjugory of the Nineties
Theology of the Body series of lectures by St John Paul II
St Ignatius Discernment of Spirits
C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy
New Polity Podcast