Crazy Catholic Convert
Crazy Catholic Convert explores the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Catholic faith. It lets the truth speak for itself through RCIA talks and interviews with Catholic converts and reverts. Crazy Catholic Convert evangelizes through the raw, honest, personal stories of ordinary Catholics living out their faith.
Crazy Catholic Convert
Throwback Thursday - The Honest Answer: My Interview with Napro physician and fertility specialist, Dr Stroud
Throwback Thursday to one of my most popular episodes, The Honest Answer: My Interview with Napro Physician and Fertility Specialist, Dr Stroud. In this episode I interview Napro physician and fellow Catholic convert, Dr Stroud. Dr Stroud is an OB/GYN who dramatically changed his medical practice in order to hold true to his Catholic faith. During the interview, Dr Stroud speaks on how traditional OB/GYN differs from Napro care. We discuss a wide range of topics from the causes of miscarriages, contraception, infertility treatments, and ectopic pregnancies. Dr. Stroud's answers provide hope to families who have felt the pain of infertility or pregnancy loss, and he empowers women to receive better care.
Dr. Stroud's Podcast
All Things Women's Health
Doctor Doctor: Episode #271
How Does Dobbs Really Change Abortion Laws and Medicine?
Doctor Doctor: Episode #280
The Truth About Treating Pregnancy Complications After Dobbs
Dr Stroud's Story