Crazy Catholic Convert

Ep:21- An Unexpected Journey

Crazy Catholic Convert

In this episode I interview Catholic convert, Casey. Before converting to Catholicism Casey was a missionary in Cambodia. She recalls the struggle she faced when the beliefs she clung to so deeply were undermined.  Casey then discusses other unexpected challenges and how she found healing in Theology of the Body and empathy from St Joseph.

Litany of Humility

A Thomistic Litany of Humility

Amy’s Litany of Motherhood (prayed as one-liners throughout the day).

Deliver me Jesus:
-From the desire for more"me time"
-from the belief that I have it harder than others
-from the fear of being woken up in the night
-from the desire to cook dinner with both hands
-from the desire for just 5 minutes of silence
-from the desire to "get my body back"
-from the desire to be recognized for doing a good job
-from the temptation to base my success on the behavior or happiness of my children
-from the desire to be in control

Jesus, give me the grace to desire it:
-that I may be more patient during the next tantrum
-that I may have a servant's heart as I clean up spilled milk for the 100th time
-that I may respond lovingly when I am interrupted
-that I may not groan as I roll out of bed at 3am
-that my little sufferings will be united to yours for the redemption of souls in my family and all over the world
-that my family will become holier than me as long as I become as holy as I should.

Catholic Answers
Counsel of Trent Podcast

The Journey Home

Asenscion Press
Bible in a Year with Fr Mike Schmitz
Catechism in a Year with Fr Mike Schmitz

St Paul Center for Biblical Theology

Word on Fire Institute