Crazy Catholic Convert
Crazy Catholic Convert explores the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Catholic faith. It lets the truth speak for itself through RCIA talks and interviews with Catholic converts and reverts. Crazy Catholic Convert evangelizes through the raw, honest, personal stories of ordinary Catholics living out their faith.
Crazy Catholic Convert
Ep:17 - Hope at the Cross: Kristen's Story Part 2
In this episode Kristen continues to share her story having two sons with ICF. We also discuss St Therese of Lisieux including how she has helped us in our trials and why she is a favorite saint for many. I also share one of my own stories about how St Therese helped inspire me to start this podcast. Finally, I introduce our topic and guests for next month.
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Story of a Soul by St Therese of Lisiuex
33 Days to Merciful Love by Fr Michael Gaitley