Crazy Catholic Convert
Crazy Catholic Convert explores the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Catholic faith. It lets the truth speak for itself through RCIA talks and interviews with Catholic converts and reverts. Crazy Catholic Convert evangelizes through the raw, honest, personal stories of ordinary Catholics living out their faith.
Crazy Catholic Convert
Ep:12 - Conversation of Two St Gianna Marie Mamas
In this episode I interview my friend, Stephanie. Stephanie is a cradle Catholic who also lost a baby girl named Gianna Marie. She also very much enjoyed the book Rome Sweet Home by Dr Scott and Kimberly Hahn. Stephanie shares her faith story as well as Catholic discussion, including other favorite Catholic reads and why she loves St Gianna Beretta Molla. Stay tuned for Our Lady of LaLeche's feastday, Oct 11, when we will discuss all things early motherhood from a Catholic perspective.
Our Lady of La Leche
The Rhythm of Life by Matthew Kelly
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Rome Sweet Home by Dr Scott and Kimberly Hahn
The Messy Family Podcast
How to Win the Culture War—One of my favorite talks by Dr Peter Kreeft